General Questions

GameLimiter is an app that helps families manage and balance children's screen time, particularly with gaming. By setting time limits and encouraging other activities, the app helps create a healthy balance between gaming and other important aspects of life.

/ It is an upcoming feature. /
To start a subscription, go to the app settings and select 'Subscription' . Choose the level that fits your needs (Free, Family, or Premium) and follow the instructions to complete the purchase.

/ It is an upcoming feature. /
GameLimiter offers three subscription levels: Free, Family, and Premium. The Free version provides basic features for managing screen time. The Family version includes advanced features such as detailed reports and more customization options. The Premium version offers all Family features plus additional support and extra features for larger families and institutions.

/ It is an upcoming feature. /
Yes, you can easily upgrade from Free to Family or Premium at any time through the app settings. If you wish to downgrade, you can also do so through the app settings. Your settings and data will be saved when you upgrade or downgrade.

/ It is an upcoming feature. /
You can cancel your subscription at any time by going to the app settings and selecting 'Subscription'. Choose the option to cancel the subscription and follow the instructions. Your subscription will remain active until the end of the current billing period.

/ It is an upcoming feature. /
If you cancel your subscription, your settings and data will be saved for up to three months. If you resume your subscription within this period, your settings and data will be automatically restored. If you wait longer than three months, some data may be lost.

Yes, it is easy to start using GameLimiter. Download the app from the App Store or Google Play, create an account, and follow the steps to set up your preferences and start using the app to manage screen time. Parents and Guardians

Parents and Guardians

Yes, you can create separate profiles for each child and customize time limits and rules individually.

The app provides detailed reports on screen time and gaming time, allowing you to monitor and adjust as needed.

/ It is an upcoming feature. /
Yes, you can block or restrict access to specific games or apps via GameLimiter.

By setting clear time limits and encouraging other activities, GameLimiter helps children develop discipline and understand the importance of balance.

Children and Teens

GameLimiter helps you balance your time so that you not only play games but also have time for school, friends, and other fun activities.

No, GameLimiter helps you manage your gaming time, not stop playing. It’s about finding a balance.

Yes, you can still enjoy playing online with your friends within the limits you set.

You can discuss with your parents or guardians to adjust the time limits if needed.

Schools and Authorities

/ It is an upcoming feature. /
GameLimiter can help schools manage students' screen time during school hours and encourage healthy gaming habits even outside of school.

/ It is an upcoming feature. /
Yes, schools can use GameLimiter to set common rules and limits for students' screen time.

/ It is an upcoming feature. /
GameLimiter is designed to be compatible with most school IT systems and can be easily integrated to monitor and manage screen time.

/ It is an upcoming feature. /
By helping students balance their screen time with other activities, GameLimiter promotes their overall well-being and academic performance.

/ It is an upcoming feature. /
Yes, we offer educational resources and support to help schools and teachers implement and use GameLimiter effectively.